However, maybe this could be a sign that he’ll host next season? He’d better! Okay, clearly they should’ve just credited Tom Hanks as tonight’s co-host.Some of the highlights were Tom Hanks’ Michael Caine impression, Taran as Gandalf, Bill’s Richard Branson using a jetpack and him having a clone of himself, and Elton’s hilarious Spider Man slam to Andy’s Bono.
Paul Brittain playing a reporter from Britain - quite fitting, isn’t it? At first when this started with the cheesy jar sitcom, I thought this would be a variation of “A Spot of Tea”, but this instead took an interesting unexpected direction.
And this helped breathe some life and excitement into this sketch.
Carmelo Anthony? TOM FREAKIN HANKS?!!!! Wow, I’m amazed and impressed. I can’t deny that Jason’s great delivery never fails to sell the punchlines in these ESPN Classic sketches, and his drawn-out pauses tonight after saying each slogan did give me some laughs. No applause of recognition AT ALL for Will Forte? Really, audience? What the fuck is wrong with you people?. The bit about how the baby takes after him was particularly funny. Not all of the jokes were funny in themselves, but Elton’s delivery helped make most of them work. A nice, genuine, REAL monologue that reminded me a little of the monologue with Betty White. I got a laugh from the quick shot of Fred dropping the product on the floor in surprise. Anyone else think Elton looked eerily like Al Franken as Stuart Smalley in that wig?. And I love how every time they do this sketch, the castmembers who play Wiig’s three sisters keep changing and NEVER stays the same, which goes to show you how much SNL’s female cast has drastically changed from season-to-season these last few years. ***** = Excellent, a possible future classic